Lk 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”

More than the loving relationship, Jews have a deeper, underlying reason to value their family. For them, family provides status, an identification that places them in the line of Abraham, to whom God gave His covenant promise. It assures them of their place in the kingdom of God, leading them to believe that they are more privileged than anyone else in the world. This pride is evident in the words of the Jews that sought to kill Christ, proudly claiming Abraham as their father. The apostle Paul also mentioned his lineage to rebuked those who found confidence earthly identifications (Phil 3:4-5). However, if Jews were to follow Christ, they have to give up their status and their identity that they hold dear. Would they be willing to give up their status to be identified with Christ?

This is Christ’s concern: Does following Him mean that they were prepared to let go of earthly status? Would they prioritize their identity in Christ over their earthly identity? People identify with various aspects of life; some value work because that is where they feel accepted, to the extent of sacrificing their own life for it. Others see their social life, or achievements as their identity. Imagine your life without these–how would you be identified? What would be your status in this world?

Consider Katherine Berger, once very active, focusing on health, exercise, even did cross-fit during pregnancy, with a career in pharmaceutical sales. Suddenly all of these collapsed when she was diagnosed with a very rare genetic tissue disease. Her husband said that if Jesus would heal her wife, pay their taxes, he’ll have that Jesus! But that reflects a misunderstood biblical Jesus. Instead of bitterness, their ordeal brought them closer to each other and to God. Katherine Berger didn’t regain her old status and identity, but she found greater happiness in knowing God intimately, making God her priority.

What if God wants you to give up your prestigious life and be a missionary in remote places? What if God is calling you to washes the dishes, considering you have a prominent position in the society, would you obey? What if God is telling you to visit those who are sick, would you comply? It’s more than being called a Christian, it is living every moment prioritizing your identification with Christ and His work. It’s not about you but Christ alone.

Brothers and sisters, we have to know why we are Christians. We are not merely Christians by name but by priority. It is living every single moment of our life for the glory of God alone.

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A Christ-Follower’s Obedience

Mon May 6 , 2024
Jesus wants to separate the true followers from those professing believers. He said, “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,” (Jn 8:31) I met a group of young professionals in a certain church one day. […]

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