The Jews lived by the commands of the Mosaic law. One of the teachings was “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” However, the Jews misapplied this beautiful verse as a discriminatory excuse. It would be helpful to clarify who their neighbor was. The law that Jesus mentioned […]
Manila, Philippines – Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco expresses her full support as First Lady (FL) Louise Araneta-Marcos on Sunday (June 09), unveils her latest cultural tourism initiative inside Manila’s Old Walled City — the Intramuros Tourist Center. “Today, marks a momentous occasion because we’re here to inaugurate […]
During the first world war, the allied power and central powers were exchanging gunshots, both hoping obviously to win. On December 24, a truce was made between these two powers, calling for a ceasefire. They put down their guns and went and talk with the other camp, their enemies. They […]
We all have priorities. Most of the time, if there is more than one to prioritize, we are conflicted, and our motivation becomes unclear. However, when it comes to commitment, we should always weigh what truly matters. We cannot decide to commit to one thing, then suddenly abandon it when […]
Many claim to have once followed Christ, still identifying with Christianity, yet lacking lacking the desire to practice it. Jesus reminds us of who are the genuine disciple. He said in John 8:31, “…If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,”. The word “abide” means to remain, […]
Jesus wants to separate the true followers from those professing believers. He said, “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,” (Jn 8:31) I met a group of young professionals in a certain church one day. […]
Lk 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” More than the loving relationship, Jews have a deeper, underlying reason to value their family. […]
Everyone believes in something, whether it’s about an existence of an important figure, or a set of values. However, the crucial question we need to consider is the impact this belief has on our lives. Will it change the trajectory of my life? Am I willing to offer my life […]
Our origin was not simply coincidental but rather intentional, and it was personal because it was God Himself who fashioned us. Not by simply speaking us to existence, but like a potter with clay, He crafted us. He gave His breath so that we may live, proving to us that […]
Man apart from God has no life. They may seem to live, but as long as their purpose appears bleak, they are like a dead person walking. This is not only due to the uncertain importance of their lives, or their impending end, but also because of their unfortunate eternal […]